A passion and natural
ability for teaching
Teacher Walter introduces himself
to potential students.
My name is Walter. Teacher Walter.
The Netherlands, that’s where I’m from.
I am an engineer by trade, holding a degree in chemical and process technology.
Teaching … that’s my hobby.
in Songkhla
at Julasamai P2
at Julasamai
at Julasamai
Some 50 years ago I started out with English, French, and German. In my late twenties I added Danish. I started learning Thai language when I relocated to Thailand. That was 17 years ago. I can speak basic Thai and I can read. Now I’m learning Laotian and I also want to learn Vietnamese.
My background
I love teaching!
A part-time science teacher in the Netherlands as a paid-for hobby really, I enjoyed being asked inconvenient questions. No, I don’t mean impertinent questions or confrontations. Inconvenient questions are those questions that many a colleague interprets as a challenge to their authority. Questions as only out of the ordinary students who are genuinely interested in science will ask.
In Thailand I started out teaching English after several requests from senior teachers. Saying NO was not an option. They are still my friends.
I am a part-time teacher. I am also a writer, editor, translating, revisor, and transcreater of content for clients in the West.
special class
in Hat Yai
regular class
in Padang Besar
in Songkhla
I write in Dutch and in English. Not surprisingly, I am very good at syntax, meaning, connotation, and of course … grammar.
My lessons
I will teach you how to speak English with confidence.
We will focus on:
— pronunciation,
— articulation,
— using stress and rhythm,
— vocabulary,
— idiomatic expressions.
and … if so needed grammar as well.
My approach
Yes, I am old by the books … yet I am not!
My approach to teaching is energetic and flexible. I can adapt to the needs of any student with ease. And what’s more … I just love inconvenient questions. Inconvenient questions are a challenge. Such questions enhance the coursework and make teaching much more fun.
Your inconvenient questions will tell me, your teacher, that you are able to think out of the box. If I cannot answer your questions immediately we will discuss how to go about finding the answer.
Together, you and I will be having lots of fun, while you will develop an excellent command of the English language.
Your future
When you are fluent in English you can:
- Find better jobs,
- Study abroad,
- Work abroad.
The world will open up for you.
The world will be yours!